Flora Green 100ml Sflora Treatment Sflora Price And Quantity
200.0 INR
1 Pieces
Flora Green 100ml Sflora Treatment Sflora Product Specifications
Plant Treatment
Product Description
Flora Green an All-in-one Fertilizer for Aquatic Plants. Promotes Growth and Enriches Colour. Sflora Flora Green contains essential Macro and Micro Nutrients for Exuberant Growth of Aquatic plants. Contains a Complete Mixture of Vital Minerals and Nutrients such as Nitrogen, Potassium, Iron, Sulphur along with several other Trace Elements and Amino Acids in easily Absorbable Form. Promotes Optimum Growth of Plants and develops Richer Colours and more Constrast Reds. Right Composition of Nutrients ensures Fast and Steady Growth of Plants. Prevents Nutritional Deficiency for Plants and Combats unnecessary Algae Growth by Promoting Growth of Plants.
Usage: Add 10ml for every 100L of Water (Weekly Thrice or if needed Dose more to Combat Severe deficiency). For Intensely Planted Aquarium, Increase Dosage Slightly. Always use Plant Fertilizer after Turning Off the Light.